Paperwork Archive
Carol Farrow's wallhanging 'paperworks' were created with hand made papers, painted and waxed. The medium creates an almost sculptural quality, tactile and textural, whilst her colour flows across the pieces, or series of pieces, sometimes intense, merging and diffusing into softer tones and hues.
Paper in its wet state can be cast or moulded to record a surface: it can be torn, cut and reassembled or embedded with other papers or objects. During its formation, it can take on any texture, thickness, shape, size, colour, porosity; it can be opaque or translucent, soft or hard, smooth or rough.
The process of working with paper can be simple or complex but the basic operation of forming paper from fibres, which as separate elements come together into a structure, is fundamental to the artist working in this medium. The process allows for manipulation and control but also surprise at all stages. Most importantly it invites change and transformation.